Friday, October 31, 2014

Directing Planes, by Remote Control

Ornskoldsvik, Sweden--  is about to become the world’s first remotely controlled airport. This concept is not only effective for travel to out-of-the way places but also to increase efficiency and safety. As remote controlled planes are less prone to mistakes the overall flow of airports will be much less congested. This concept of controlled air travel is still young and in its developing stages but many do see it as the future. For now this technology will be implemented into smaller airports/stations where it is more cost effective to have one person controlling everything instead of a whole crew. The biggest problem this technology can encounter is hacker attacks. A break in by an experienced hacker can disrupt the whole flow and potentially be very dangerous. In my opinion, this is a great upcoming idea. Although it seems this technology is very distant, it is much closer than we believe. 


  1. Who would be responsible if an accident occurs, the software company or the airport?

  2. This seems like an impressive technological feat. I would like to pose the same question as the comment before me. I also think that it would be dangerous for pilots having problems in the air and only having one person in the tower to contact.

  3. I find it kind of upsetting that technology is taking over so many jobs that humans are meant to do. I believe this can lead to future problems such as a rise in unemployment.
