Sunday, October 26, 2014

The First Privately Funded Space Mission

China Launches First Privately Funded Moon Mission

Up until recent times, space exploration has been a governmental effort when it comes to funding and execution. On October 23, however, the first privately funded mission to the moon was launched. The objective of the expedition is to test technology for future lunar sample return missions. If it goes according to plan, the 4M spacecraft will go around the moon collecting data and extracting moon dust and rock. This payload will be delivered through a capsule sent from the orbit of Earth. The 31 pound capsule is attached to the upper stage of the Long March rocket. Sponsored by a Luxembourg based company, the project cost is in the six figures. The mission is expected to be live for 8 days, but may remain longer if additional experiments are needed. 

1 comment:

  1. Do you think that moon exploration is beneficial? I'm asking because I know that we haven't gone to the moon after the first time.
