Thursday, October 30, 2014

Scientist Generate First Human Stomach Tissue with Stem Cells

Scientist have used pluripotent stem cells to create fully functional, three-dimensional, human stomach tissue in a laboratory. These pluripotenet stem cells have the advantage that they can become any cell type of the body. They used these cells to make a miniature version of the stomach. Tools like these will help in the future to treat all types of diseases. Diseases that include stomach cancer and diabetes. This will also help to create drugs that will also treat these diseases. Since we can now create a 3-D functional stomach, we can also infect it with diseases and then study it more closely and find new things to be able to treat it. This is very promising for the medicine and health field.
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1 comment:

  1. This post seems very similar to another post on the blog. So, with this in mind I am still wondering whether or not other body parts can be created in this fashion and what the limit of diseases that can be tested is.
