Thursday, October 30, 2014

Even a 5-minute run can help prevent heart disease

A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology shows that running for a couple minutes a day can reduce your risk of dying from heart disease. More than 55,000 adults between the ages of 18 and 100 were studied over a 15 year period, the overall health and lifespan of all the adults was compared to whether they ran or not. Unsurprisingly the more active people lived a healthier, longer, life but what it was what was discovered that was really intriguing. Researchers found out that the speed and time one runs at did not make a huge difference in the overall benefits of running. In the end those who went on long sprints or short jogs still had a lower risk of dying than those who did not make any effort. However, the biggest key to a longer life through exercise was consistency. Those who ran consistently over many years gained the most benefits. So even a short 5 minute jog everyday can help you maintain a healthier, longer, life.


  1. This makes sense. How do you think such findings can be implemented to push for a more active, healthy, exercise-based lifestyle for people of this country, where heart disease is a huge problem?

  2. It is interesting that the speed at which one runs doesn't have an effect on the health benefits of running. It is also very interesting that a jog for such a shot amount of time can have a health benefit.

  3. Its cool how minimal exercise can get the job done. People lead very busy lives nowadays and some have trouble finding time to get a decent amount of exercise into their daily routine. With this research, people will be able to get exercise and not worry about the time constraint on their day.
