Friday, October 17, 2014

One Step Closer to "The Singularity"

Hands Typing on Keyboard

      For years, people have thought of computers as really smart, yet emotionless beings. This has recently changed, bringing us one step closer to what is commonly referred to as "the singularity," which means the day in which computers will become smarter than humans in every way. Through research and various experiments analyzing keystrokes and sample text from people who were feeling some sort of emotion, a new program has been developed that can detect emotion through typing. In the experiments, people were asked to type sample text and record their emotions every 30 minutes. With the data collected, researchers were able to create software that could detect 7 of the most common emotions (joy, anger, fear, sadness, disgust, shame, and guilt). Joy and anger were the two emotions that were detected with the most accuracy (about 85%). Although it is not 100% accurate, it is a step closer to "the singularity." Through more research and further development, this program could potentially be implemented in many areas. For example, it could be used in online classes, and depending on the emotion of the student, the teaching style would change to better accommodate the student. 
More information can be found here:


  1. This is a scary article, because it makes computers seem as though they have there own personality and brain. There have been many science fiction movies and books (such as I Robot) that touch upon what would happen if computers became as intelligent as humans. It is certainly controversial because although these highly intelligent computers are able to help us in better ways, they might actually be a burden to human society if we let them gain to much intelligence.

  2. This sounds interesting, but at the same time I do not think that it will gain enough support from the public because it seems like it will only affect a small percentage of students. Do you have any thoughts on how this technology could be used on a wider scale?

  3. This kind of reminds me of Terminator, as in SkyNet. This may be the beginning of the end in terms of humans versus machines. But through a realistic standpoint, it is impressive that machines that mostly inanimate object can have such predictions.

  4. If this is true then can you implement this software into humanoids? Using the emotion reading software, you can implement this into humanoid, maybe even creating a whole new type of race.
