Thursday, October 9, 2014

One of the Oldest Known Paintings

A cave discovered in Indonesia has paintings inside of it that may be one of the oldest known to man.
The painting is of hands and animals and they were painted on seven limestones caves in Sulawesi. Sulawesi is an island in Indonesia. Trying to get the data right is rigorous work and its still being studied but archeologist believe that it may be one of the oldest. Until now, the oldest painting known is a red disc which is 40,800 years old. That painting was found in El Castillo, in northern Spain. The painted hands themselves are at least 39,900 years old. These have are already become the oldest stenciled hands known to man. The other painting was one of an animal that is believed to be a pig deer. This painting is dated to be at least 35,400 years old. These findings show how there are many things in the world that we have not discovered yet. Things that may hold clues and information of how far back in history humans go.

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  1. These findings are very interesting since they tell us a lot about the past. I do agree that there are so many things that we are yet to discover. Do you think we will ever be able to know about everything in the world?

  2. This may be just me, but those stenciled hands look a little different from normal hands. Am I just imagining, or are they really different? If they are, then what could this tell us about humans during that time period?
