Friday, October 17, 2014

Using Cigarette Ash as a Water Filter

Scientists Find Way To Reuse Cigarette Ash As A Water Filter
Researchers led by Jiaxing Li of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have found a way to use cigarette ash as a filter for water. The researchers found that filters made from this ash is a very efficient and cheap way to do this. According to the researchers, these filters are able to clean up 96% of arsenic from water. This falls in the acceptable standards of the World Health Organization. The potential of these filters is very exciting.
More on this here


  1. Can you explain how the science behind this because I find it very hard to believe that cigarette ash can act as a filter for water.

  2. I agree with can a cigarette, which contains over 200 carcinogens, filter water safely? it sounds crazy, but maybe the science backs it up.

  3. If this is true and you can use cigarette ash as a filter for water then what other possibilities do you have using cigarette ash? Can you use it to clean up other things in the environment?
