Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Got milk? I hope not...

Studies from Swedish scientists have shown that drinking too much milk leads to an increased mortality rate in women. This might seem surprising considering all of the good things that have been said about milk in the past. However, studies have linked heavy milk drinking to increased cancers and hip fractures in women. The study stated that over the course of 20 years, women who drank 3 or more glasses of milk per day were almost twice as likely to die as those who didn't. This could be linked to the hormones in milk and the fact that they are not human hormones so they may pose health concerns when ingested by humans. One thing's for sure, women should not consume more than 2 glasses of milk per day.


  1. There is so much mentioned about milk's harmful effects on women, however how about the effects on men? If men aren't as effected, then why is that the case?

  2. Although scientists correlate cancer to milk consumption in women, how do the researchers make sure that the relationship between the two is causative?

  3. This is very interesting. What are the specific hormones that enter the body? Why are they only specific for women?

  4. I find this very hard to believe because for most of my life I've heard that milk is very essential in order to stay healthy. I think some of this data may be inconclusive because why would it only affect women and not men. Is there anymore research that can explain why exactly it causes cancer and only affects women?

  5. Is there any medication that can be taken o combat this? Is there any relation between this and lactose intolerance?
