Friday, October 10, 2014

The World's Largest Thermoelectric Generator

Alphabet Energy has developed a new thermoelectric generator that would cut down on fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. The generator utilizes a thermoelectric material (good at conducting electricity but not a thermal conductor) called tetrahedrite. Unlike most other thermoelectric materials, it is abundant and much cheaper ($4 per kilogram vs $24-$146 per kilogram).

By connecting their new generator to the exhaust pipe of a 1,000 kilowatt generator, a total of 52,000 liters of diesel fuel can be saved, or a yield of 2.5%. These estimates could save companies utilizing larger generators (such as oil, gas and mining companies) millions of dollars per year. This development would be especially beneficial to companies based in more remote areas, where access to diesel fuel is not as available.

While this thermoelectric generator can only slash fuel consumption rates by 5-10 percent, this amount is still very impressive for the individual user/company looking to cut down on costs. And by using such a generator, less carbon dioxide is emitted, which is a big boost for the environment. This is a big step our society's awareness of waste and towards becoming more conservative with energy.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great alternative and a very eco friendly way of trying to get rid of the use of diesel fuel. How abundant is this tetrahedrite material? Is it a renewable resource?
