Friday, October 31, 2014

Google's Nano-particle Watch might Be a Little More Far Fetched Then Anticipated

In recent days, Google has proposed a seemingly revolutionary idea in the way that cancer and heart attacks can be diagnosed. Their product is a watch that utilizes nano-particles to receive information regarding the content of cancer cells in the body and the condition of the heart. But, in a recent comment from Chad Mirkin, head of Nanotechnology at Northwestern University, explained why this idea might not materialize into anything more than an idea. He believes that Google's idea of using a pill form of nano-particles will not work for two reasons. The first is that the body tends to reject foreign substances, therefore Google would have to create a pill that doesn't get rejected. Another problem is that Google has not specified any way for the watch to receive the information provided by the nano-particles. This will prove to be a huge issue for Google. As of right now, this device seems like a very interesting idea, but will unlikely ever become a product.


  1. If this were a product, It would be pretty amazing, and would save people a lot of money when it comes to medical scans for cancer and other diseases. How would health companies react to a product like this?

  2. If this is ever to be released, it will most likely revolutionize the way we treat cancer. But it does seem rather far fetched in my opinion. It sounds like its almost too good to be true. But I believe that it is doable, just very hard to pull off.

  3. Hi Max, thank you posting. Because Google is internet giant , I don't feel comfortable with the delving into the field of medical research. I know that Google has the innovation power to create something like the watch but if you really think about it, who would actually buy the watch. Do people really need to know if they have cancer around the clock- I think not. Google should try to create something more like a patch rather than a watch- something that cheaper to make and more cost effective for single-time use purposes
