Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Google is developing cancer and heart attack detector

Google is now shifting into the medical field with the idea of a new cancer detecting watch.  This will work by injecting nanoparticles into his/her blood stream and then using the watch, he/she can monitor the interactions between the nanoparticales and other cells in the body.  Early diagnosis is very important and can mean the difference between life or death.  This is why the watch, through light and radio waves, will take readings of the nanoparticals at least once a day.  The design of the nano particle is to detect multiple conditions.  They can attach to cancerous cells or even find evidence of fatty plaques that can cause heart attacks or strokes.  One issue, however, is that it can cause anxiety or unnecessary medical treatments.  For safety reasons, this will be only accessible to doctors and patients, not to the general public.

Read more at: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-29802581


  1. Hi Arianna, thanks for posting, How accurate and cost effective is this diagnosis going to be?

  2. I am also wondering about the effectiveness of the diagnosis of this watch. Besides cancer, what other diseases and conditions can the watch pick up on?

  3. Do you know how exactly the watch's sensors "pick up" and detect the nanoparticles?

  4. What happens when your body rejects the pill and how do the nanoparticles send the information with the watch?
