Thursday, October 9, 2014

Smell one of the strongest predictors of five year mortality

Researchers from the University of Chicago have found that a persons sense of smell is one of the best predictors of five year mortality. Researchers used a test in which subjects had to identify five different smell. Along with this, they took other medical information and followed up with the patients over a period of time. With this, the researchers found the correlation between smell and mortality. At first the researchers believed that there were other factors contributing to this, but it turns out that that is not the case. Sense of smell can predict mortality better than a heart or lung test. For the future, the sense of smell can be used to extend and save the lives of many people.

To see the full article, click here

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. This is something that would have never occurred to me. However, I am a bit confused on how exactly the sense of smell can predict such thing.
