Sunday, October 12, 2014

In the Future, Computers Will Take our Jobs

Artificial Intelligence

The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Computers Will Take Your job

Predictions of robots taking over employment have been around since the 90's, but only recently have they been realized. Still there are no AI machines that can learn and work as human can, but some are significantly getting close to it. AIs can now provide medical diagnosis, effectively making the jobs of may doctors easier. Getting closer and closer to complete automation, there is no doubt companies will begin using AI to refine their production. The effect of such work will have a significant impact, and it may even come sooner than assumed. AI has already replaced human payroll processors, and it is expected for software to move up in skill, soon to replace middle class workers. While all of this seems rather daunting and strange, scientist are still trying to solve a major problem with AI. It is the problem of common sense, something even a 5 year old has. However, this field of study seems very ambitious as scientists are developing a software to create software. That's right, an AI that will be able to replace programmers. Slowly but surely, computers and robots will take over many of our jobs, but at what cost? 


  1. This is very interesting. I feel like it could potentially hurt society in a major way due to unemployment (among humans), but I think that there will always be a need for someone to watch over the machines. These things can malfunction, and if they have important jobs, then it is crucial that it does not stop working for any reason.

  2. Having robots taking over jobs like diagnosing patients is very risky. What if the AI is defective and misdiagnosis someone? I can see AI taking over some less riskier jobs but never to a point where humans will be taken over in a work force.
