Sunday, October 26, 2014

Robots Closer to Walking like Humans

Boston Dynamics first revealed their robot, called ATLAS, on July 11, 2013. During this time, the robot was very slow and moved awkwardly. It was a huge innovation at the time because the robot was actually walking, but it was evident that the robot was a work in progress and needed serious programming updates.

A year later, Boston Dynamics revealed the amount of hard work that went into fixing the robot. They were able to improve the movement of the robot. The robot now walks witch much more control and agility. More impressive is the fact that it was able to walk over a pile of stacked and jumbled cinder blocks. The success of the test shows that ATLAS has increased its coordination and capabilities. Here's the video of the test run:

In the upcoming year, it is likely that the robot will be able to perform this same test run in a much quicker time. To learn more about the robot, click on the link provided below.


  1. This is amazing! And kind of scary. Every year different companies are getting closer and closer to creating autonomous robots, before we know they will be walking along with us on the streets. What functions and jobs do you think these robots will be able to do?

  2. I completely agree with Esteban. Do you think there is any limit to the function of robots in our society? Also, do you think that the government should have to start creating regulations on what types of robots can be created and who can create them?
