Sunday, October 26, 2014

Stem Cells Treat Brain Tumor

In Harvard Stem Cell Institute scientist are engineering stem cells so that they can produce and secrete a tumor killing toxin. These stem cells were given to mice that had brain tumors. They gave them the stem cells after the main tumors were removed. The stem cells released its toxin and killed the remaining cancer cells in the brain. These cells are also special because they have a mutation that doesn't let toxin act inside the cell. This now means that they have toxin resistant cells that can produce and secrete cancer killing toxin. The scientist are now working toward to getting this FDA approved so that they can go through with clinical trials and test on humans.
To read more:


  1. Hi Esteban. thank you for posting. I was wondering if there are an repercussions for using stem cells as a vehicle for a tumor killing toxin. Does this toxin affect other cells?

  2. How are these stem cells engineered?

  3. Will these stem cells mean that chemotherapy will be more specific?
