Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Can Sucking CO2 Out of the Atmosphere Really Work?

        Physicist Peter Eisenberger from the University of Columbia has pioneered a new way to extract CO2 out of the atmosphere. His idea consists of blowing large amounts of air over a chemically infused membrane to suck the carbon dioxide out of the air. This process will utilize steam energy and special chemicals called amines to bond with the CO2 molecules, which are then compressed and sent to a separate holding container. They plan to sell the compressed CO2 to companies maintaining oil wells, green house plant growers, and carbonated beverage makers. One counter argument is that it would require so much energy to filter any significant amount of air that the process would end up being counter productive, Eisenberger's answer to that is steam. Steam energy is highly efficient, especially for this type of operation, and would be able to produce sufficient energy at a low energy production rate. This method of filtering CO2 out of the air can be applied to industrial fields as well as private usages. I believe this will have an enormous impact on the push towards a greener earth

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