Monday, October 20, 2014

THC May Be Neuroprotective

Studies have shown the people who suffer from brain traumatic injuries have a lower death rate if they have THC in their system compared to people who don't. Experiments done with animals have shown that having THC in their system actually protects their brain after an injury. Although this may be true for animals, not a lot is known about the effects that THC may have on humans. A problem that has been coming up is that THC stays in your system days after it has been consumed so it is difficult to tell the difference between the users. These findings have opened up interest into this topic and more extensive research is beginning to happen. In the future THC may be very useful for treating and preventing brain injuries.

For more info click the link below:


  1. This is very interesting. As more debate arises about the use of marijuana, research like this is important to determine how marijuana is used and whether it is safe.

    1. There has to be a way for people to use marijuana in a safe way without long term negative effects. I guess that is still up for debate, but sooner or later its going to be legalized.

  2. Based on this information, do you believe that marijuana should be legalized? Also, I know that THC gets people high. Does it mean that those who suffer traumatic injuries need to always be high in order to live longer?
