Friday, October 31, 2014

Voice Control May be Compromising the Security of Your Smartphones and Computers

In a world ruled by technology, companies are always coming up with the latest and greats new innovation. Voice control was a revolutionary idea for many different technological fields. It enabled people to talk to their computers or phones and have them not only interpret what they are saying, but complete a task and in some cases, reply back. There has not been a downside presented about this technology, until now. Researchers at the Georgia Tech University found that many of these voice recognition softwares can be used to hack into the phone, bypassing the phone's passcode. This can be done by typing the voice passcode and then playing it back using a simple text to speech app. The researchers say that this is due to the softwares being added after the fact and sloppily. In this age of quickly evolving technology, it is important that new product and inventions are carefully analyzed and not used without caution.


  1. Do you think it is possible in the future that computers will be able to speak "on their own"? How might this have negative implications on society?

  2. Are there any efforts currently being made by companies like Apple and Google to combat this security threat via voice control? It sure seems like the scientists over at Georgia Tech did an admirable job at highlighting this potentially serious problem.
